Minnesota Association of Assessing Officers
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2014 MAAO Fall Conference
Sunday, September 21, 2014, 8:00 AM to Wednesday, September 24, 2014, 1:00 PM EST
Category: Events


2014 Fall Conference
September 21 - 24, 2014
Radisson Duluth Harborview
505 West Superior Street
Duluth, Minnesota 55802

Commissioner of Revenue's Annual Meeting with Assessors
MAAO Annual Meeting and Election of Officers
Topical Educational Seminars
Social Events

[Printer Friendly PDF Brochure]

Unbeatable Views at One of the Top Hotels in Duluth, MN
Perfectly located in the heart of downtown Duluth with breathtaking views of Lake Superior, the Radisson Duluth Harborview is an urban oasis for travelers of all types.  During your stay, make use of a variety of on-site amenities, including complimentary Wi-Fi, a heated indoor pool, a fitness center and the impressive revolving restaurant, JJ Astor.  This hotel's central location in Duluth, MN makes it easy to attend events at the nearby Duluth Entertainment Convention Center or visit top attractions like the famous Canal Park, the Aerial Lift Bridge and the Lakewalk. 

The Radisson Duluth Harborview is offering sleeping rooms at the following rates:

Run of the House Single/Double:
Subject to appropriate state, local and occupancy tax

  For reservations call the hotel directly at 218-727-8981 or click here to make your reservations online.  Enter Duluth MN for the location, the dates you want to stay and the promotional code MAAO.

The cut-off date for room reservations has been extended to
 August 29, 2014
The Conference fee includes the Sunday reception, Monday night reception and tour, Monday and Tuesday lunch, Tuesday evening banquet and breaks.  One seminar either Tuesday or Wednesday is $55.00.  Two seminars Tuesday and Wednesday are $90.00.  The deadline to register for the conference is September 15, 2014.
 Conference Registration Fee:
MAAO member on or before September 8 - $250.00
MAAO member after September 8 - $275.00
Non-member on or before September 8 - $290.00
Non-member after September 8 - $315.00
Commissioner of Revenue's Annual Meeting with Assessors
Commissioner of Revenue Myron Frans and staff will hold the Annual Meeting with Assessors on Monday, September 22, 2014 from 9:00 AM to noon. This session promises to be full of new information and timely announcements.
MAAO Annual Meeting
The Minnesota Association of Assessing Officers invites you to the 68th Annual Conference of the MAAO. The conference includes the Commissioner of Revenue’s Annual Meeting with Assessors; the Annual Meeting of the MAAO and the MAAO sponsored seminars for continuing education.  Sunday night at 6:00 we will have an opening reception at Grandma's Sports Garden Bar and Grill in Canal Park with catered food and cash bar.  Grandma's Sports Garden is a casual, lively adventure to the past... where you're surrounded by authentic collectibles and an eager staff ready, willing, and able to please!  It's full of games, TVs, and wide open spaces of fun. 

On Monday evening, conference participants will be welcomed to the Lake Superior Railroad Museum at The Depot, Rated THE BEST railroad museum in the country.  While touring the train museum there will be hors d'oeuvers and a cash bar.  After the tour, participants are on their own for the rest of the evening. 
MAAO Vendors Area
MAAO welcomes the vendors that contribute to the Fall Conference. All vendors will be situated in the Great Hall Foyer.  Please contact Marcy Wojick at 218-727-8981 Extension 4015 for a table reservation.  Please stop by and talk with them.  In addition to our break area we will have the IAAO tables in that room.
MAAO Hospitality Room
Region 9 will host the MAAO Hospitality Room.  The event will be held at the 15th floor Presidential Suite at the Radisson Duluth-Harborview.  The room will be open at times that do not conflict with an organized MAAO event and until 1:00 am.



Sunday, September 21st


2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Conference Registration - Great Hall Foyer

3:00 pm

Executive Board - Viking Room

6:00 pm

Opening Reception - Grandma's Sports Garden, Canal Park

Monday, September 22nd


8:00 am - Noon

Registration - Great Hall Foyer

9:00 am - Noon

Commissioner of Revenue Meeting - Great Hall

Noon - 1:00 pm

Lunch - The Depot Great Hall

1:00 pm - 3:30 pm

MAAO Annual Meeting - Great Hall

5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Reception and tour - Lake Superior Railroad Museum


Dinner on your own

Tuesday, September 23rd


7:30 am

Past President's Breakfast - Missabe Room

9:00 am - Noon

MAAO Annual Meeting - Great Hall

Noon - 1:00 pm

Lunch - The Depot Grand Hall

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Educational Seminars - Radisson breakout rooms

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Reception - JJ Astor revolving restaurant

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Annual Banquet - Great Hall

8:30 pm

Awards and Presentations - Great Hall

Wednesday, September 24th


8:00 - Noon

Educational Seminars - Radisson Breakout Rooms

Educational Seminars
Choose One 4-hour Seminar (Tuesday or Wednesday), two 4-hour Seminars (Tuesday and  Wednesday) or 3 hour Ethics

FS1 Ethics for MN Assessors 3 Hrs Tues - MN Dept. of Revenue: This three-hour course has been updated and emphasizes professional conduct and standardized assessment practices within an ethical context.  Numerous case studies, scenarios, and discussion points have been added to allow for the participants to think through the dilemmas presented and relate them to their own professional and personal lives. Ethics is no longer offered in the Professional Assessment Certification and Education (PACE) course. Therefore, all licensed AMA’s and SAMA’s will need to take a stand alone course for the July 1, 2012-June 30, 2016 licensing period. ***THE STATE BOARD OF ASSESSORS GRANTS THREE (3) CEH FOR THIS SEMINAR!  Class Size Limit of 50

FS2 Assessing the Person 4 Hrs Tues - MN Department of Revenue Staff:  Assessors are charged with assessing property based on its use, but some parts of the property tax system are based not on the property, but on the person living inside it!  This seminar will cover a variety of topics related to personal data used by assessors’ offices, programs that require individual information, and data privacy concerns.  We will cover the basics of programs such as 1b blind/disabled homestead and the disabled veterans’ market value exclusion, and then discuss data privacy implications of those programs.  We will discuss issues related to Social Security Numbers and Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers.  We will also go over case studies related to homesteads for foreign citizens, what to do when a property owner in a personal program such as disabled veterans’ exclusion moves to a new home, and Social Security verification.  Class Size Limit of 75

FS3 VERIFICATION AND ADJUSTMENT OF SALES: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A “BAD” SALE  4 hrs Tues - Instructors: Stephen Baker, Laura Fridgen, Jason McCaslin, Amy Rausch, Michael Thompson:  This will be a comprehensive sales verification seminar which will include discussion about the February 4, 2014 MN DOR memo which highlighted various best practices for assessors when verifying sales. Additional topics of discussion will include some common questions such as; when it’s appropriate to utilize reject codes, what is “sales chasing” and “cherry-picking”, what is considered personal property, identifying leased-fee vs. fee-simple, what is tangible vs. intangible and what types of adjustments should be made to sales prices, including new construction, business licenses, “goodwill”, etc. We will also discuss the importance of market conditions (time) adjustments, and we’ll demonstrate the process of analyzing real world data through utilization of “tcalc” and other analysis tools.

FS4 MN RESIDENTIAL FORM REPORT 4 Hrs Tuesday - Instructors: Form Report Instructors and Graders:  This seminar will assist individuals in writing a residential demonstration form report. The student will be provided the most complete and up to date checklist for the candidates to refer to as they write their report. The student reference manual will provide step-by-step instructions for writing the report and will include many examples to help them successfully complete their report.  Class Size Limit of 50 - Cancelled due to low enrollment

FS5 BUSINESS WRITING FOR ASSESSORS 4 Hrs Wed - Instructor: John Gellatly, Retired City of Duluth Assessor: We’ll begin with an analysis of concepts that assessors must attempt to explain to taxpayers and the value of written messages to that attempt. This is followed by instructions in building the foundation of lucid writing to successfully establish the writer’s meaning in the mind of the reader: choice of words, sentence structure, organization of the message, and presentation.  Examples related to the assessment field and other occupations are offered as well as sample outlines and letters dealing with assessment administration issues.

FS6 Ethics for MN Assessors 3 Hrs Wed - MN Dept. of Revenue: This three-hour course has been updated and emphasizes professional conduct and standardized assessment practices within an ethical context.  Numerous case studies, scenarios, and discussion points have been added to allow for the participants to think through the dilemmas presented and relate them to their own professional and personal lives. Ethics is no longer offered in the Professional Assessment Certification and Education (PACE) course. Therefore, all licensed AMA’s and SAMA’s will need to take a stand alone course for the July 1, 2012-June 30, 2016 licensing period. ***THE STATE BOARD OF ASSESSORS GRANTS THREE (3) CEH FOR THIS SEMINAR!  Class Size Limit of 50

FS7 MN RESIDENTIAL FORM REPORT – HANDS ON 4 Hrs Wed - Instructors: Form Report Instructors and Graders:  This workshop will be a hands-on experience where candidates can bring their form reports, all of their data, and have four uninterrupted hours to work on their report. Form Report Instructors and Graders will be on hand to help with any questions or stumbling blocks you may encounter. Please be prepared to work on your report. Bring more data than you think you need so you will have ample information and comparable sales to make suggested adjustments and changes. DON’T FORGET YOUR LAPTOP AND CALCULATOR.  Class Size Limit of 30 - Cancelled due to low enrollment

Continuing Education Hours (CEH).  The State Board of Assessors will grant 3 CEH's for one three hour seminar, 4 CEH's for one four hour seminar, 7 CEH's for one three hour seminar with one four hour seminar, and 8 CEH's for two four hour seminars. There are no Commerce Credits applied for.
Questions??? Paul Knutson, MAAO Conference Coordinator at 507-332-6152, [email protected].

Tami Paulson, MAAO Assistant Conference Coordinator at 507-328-7668,
[email protected]

Registration questions, Lori Schwendemann, MAAO Online Administrator, 320-598-3187,
[email protected]


Click here to register for the 2014 Fall Conference!


Contact: Paul Knutson - [email protected] - 507-332-6152