2015 MAAO Fall Conference 2
Sunday, October 04, 2015, 10:30 AM to Wednesday, October 07, 2015, 1:00 PM EST
Category: Events
2015 Fall Conference October 4 - 7, 2015 Cragun's Lodge and Golf Resort 11000 Cragun's Drive Brainerd, Minnesota 56401
♦ Commissioner of Revenue's Annual Meeting with Assessors ♦ MAAO Annual Meeting and Election of Officers ♦ Topical Educational Seminars ♦ Social Events
[Printer Friendly Brochure]
Cragun’s is the largest year-round Brainerd resort getaway destination offering more of everything for your vacation – at the best value! What can you enjoy while at Cragun’s, aside from the mile-long sandy beaches of Gull Lake? Check out our activities sure to excite both young and young-at-heart guests. Cragun’s Resort in Brainerd Minnesota has it all, including being named “Property of the Year” by Minnesota Innkeepers and a “Top Ten Resort” by Midwest Living.
Room Reservations: $104.00 single or double occupancy, includes tax
♦ Cragun's Online Reservations: For people using credit cards Click Here for Cragun's Online Reservation Instructions
♦ Cragun's PDF Lodging form: People using PO's or checks Click here for Cragun's PDF Lodging form
Reservations due September 4, 2015
Featured Events: ♦ Commissioner of Revenue Annual Meeting with Assessors ♦ MAAO Annual Meeting ♦ Education Seminars ♦ Social Activities
The Conference fee includes a full meal package of 3 breakfast buffets, 2 lunch buffets, 3 dinners, and morning and afternoon breaks with snacks. One seminar either Tuesday or Wednesday is $75.00. Two seminars Tuesday and Wednesday are $125.00. The deadline to register for the conference is September 25, 2015.
Conference Registration Fee: MAAO member on or before September 11 - $310.00 MAAO member after September 11 - $350.00 Non-member on or before September 11 - $360.00 Non-member after September 11 - $400.00 |
Commissioner of Revenue's Annual Meeting with Assessors Commissioner of Revenue Cynthia Bauerly and staff will hold the Annual Meeting with Assessors on Monday, October 5, 2015 from 9:00 AM to noon. This session promises to be full of new information and timely announcements. |
MAAO Annual Meeting President Dan Whitman invites you to the Minnesota Association of Assessing Officers 69th Annual Conference. At this meeting we conduct the business of the organization as well as the election of officers.
Social Events Come early on Sunday and play 18 holes of golf at one of the three incredible Cragun’s Legacy Courses. The Legacy’s unique 45-holes of golf can all be played out of the beautiful 35,000 square foot Legacy Clubhouse, featuring a sports bar, restaurant and pro shop—all at one location. The Legacy Pro Shop boasts the latest gear and all new club cars, equipped with Pro Link GPS displaying the hole’s layout, distance to the pin, hazards, even sports scores and weather information. Plus, you’ll receive the legendary service that sets Cragun’s Legacy Courses apart from the rest. Call Mark Peterson, Cass County Assessor at 218-547-7239 for tee times and information.
On Monday afternoon participants can participate in activities that the resort is famous for. Outdoors or indoors, on the water or in the woods, from course to courts, no other resort in Brainerd MN offers more fun for all members of the family than you’ll find right here.
The Bear Trap Lounge located in the Main Lodge will be open in the evenings and will have special activities for our group.
President Dan Whitman issues the following dress guidelines: Meetings and seminars "appropriate resort wear" and the annual banquet "business casual".
MAAO Vendors Area
Want to be a vendor? We will have a room designated for vendors where our breaks and snacks will bring the conference participants to you. The fee is $50.00 per table for the event. If you are interested, contact Paul Knutson, Conference Coordinator
MAAO Hospitality Room Regions 1 & 3 will host the MAAO Hospitality Room. The event will be held in Luxury Meeting Room # 371. The room will be open at times that do not conflict with organized MAAO events and will close at 1:00 AM. |
Sunday, October 4th
10:30 am
Golf at the Legacy
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Conference Registration - Poolside
3:00 pm
Executive Board - Lakeshore Room
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Reception - Poolside
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Ryan Pels Duo
Monday, October 5th
7:00 - 8:30 am
Breakfast Buffet - Dining Room
8:00 am - Noon
Registration - Lakeshore Room
9:00 am - Noon
Commissioner of Revenue Meeting - Lakeshore Room
Noon - 1:00 pm
Lunch - "Lodge Favorite" - Dining Room
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
MAAO Annual Meeting - Lakeshore Room
3:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Resort Activities - See registration table: Pontoons, play reversible nine hole course (part of registration), bean bags, beach volleyball, horseshoes.
7:00 pm
Dinner - "Roast Beef, BBQ Pork & Salmon" - Dining Room
9:00 pm
DJ in Bear Trap Lounge, campfire on beach
Tuesday, October 6th
7:00 am - 8:30 am
Breakfast Buffet - Dining Room
7:30 am
Past President's Breakfast - Dutch Room
9:00 am - Noon
MAAO Annual Meeting - Lakeshore room
Noon - 1:00 pm
Lunch - "Tuscan Buffet" - Dining Room
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Educational Seminars
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Reception - Bear Trap Lounge and Lobby
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Annual Banquet - "Steak and Walleye" - Dining Room
8:30 pm
Awards and Presentations
Wednesday, October 7th
7:00 am - 8:30 am
Breakfast Buffet - Dining Room
8:00 am - Noon
Educational Seminars
Educational Seminars Choose One 4-hour Seminar (Tuesday or Wednesday), two 4-hour Seminars (Tuesday and Wednesday) or 3 hour Ethics
FS1 Ethics for MN Assessors 3 Hrs Tues - MN Dept. of Revenue: This three-hour course has been updated and emphasizes professional conduct and standardized assessment practices within an ethical context. Numerous case studies, scenarios, and discussion points have been added to allow for the participants to think through the dilemmas presented and relate them to their own professional and personal lives. Ethics is no longer offered in the Professional Assessment Certification and Education (PACE) course. Therefore, all licensed AMA’s and SAMA’s will need to take a stand alone course for the July 1, 2012-June 30, 2016 licensing period. ***THE STATE BOARD OF ASSESSORS GRANTS THREE (3) CEH FOR THIS SEMINAR! Class Size Limit of 50
FS2 Assessment Statistics 4 Hrs Tues – MAAO Sales Ratio Committee: This course will deal with assessment statistics. We will address non-compliant statistics and provide our peers with some tools necessary to research & identify the root causes of some of these problems. This course will be a basic overview of assessment statistics and will then cover actual situations. There will also be a presentation on the MCAST V2.1 assessment tool.
FS3 GIS – How can it help my disaster assessment 4 Hrs Tues – Instructors: Tim Briggs, AeroLogix GIS, Justin Lutterman, Le Sueur County, Brandon Crissinger & Clayton Burns, GISP Pro-West & Associates, Marci Moreland, Carlton County Assessor: The MAAO CAMA committee is teaming up with the GIS committee to bring you this dynamic course on integrating technology to help with disaster processing and compilation of data. The use of aerial imagery, GIS integration of CAMA/Tax data, and even drone technology is now available to minimize potential headaches from natural disaster assessments. Drone specialist Tim Briggs with AeroLogix GIS will share what Drones can do to help the assessment profession and what his company did for Le Sueur County. The course will also include examples of how ArcMap can help to improve assessments, specifically disaster reassessments. Carlton County will be going through what they learned from their natural disaster and how GIS was used with their reassessment. Disaster reassessments can be stressful and time consuming, have the knowledge and technology available when it occurs.
FS4 Elements of Lakeshore Valuation 4 Hrs Wed - Instructor: Gary Griffin, Crow Wing County Assessor: The objective of this seminar is to demonstrate the different variables that contribute to the value of lake shore. Quantity and quality adjustments will be discussed. Examples of lake shore valuation by extraction, use of aerials & GIS for access, footage & shore quality will also be covered.
FS5 State Assessed 4 Hrs Wed - Instructors: State Assessed Properties Section, MN DOR: The State Assessed Property Section is responsible for valuing utility, pipeline, and railroad operating property for property tax purposes. The section also determines the wind and solar energy production taxes and the airline flight property tax. This seminar will cover the valuation methods used for utility, pipeline, and railroad operating property as outlined in Minnesota Rules. We use unitary valuation, valuing the business as a going concern, to value these types of property. We use a cost approach, several income approaches, and a market approach. The production taxes are simple calculations based on rates established in Minnesota Statutes. We will also cover the valuation methods used to determine the airline flight property tax. If your county has specific state assessed questions and/or scenarios that you would like us to address during the seminar, please email the State Assessed Properties section at [email protected] no later than September 25th.
FS6 Ethics for MN Assessors 3 Hrs Wed - MN Dept. of Revenue: - CANCELLED DUE TO LOW ENROLLMENT This three-hour course has been updated and emphasizes professional conduct and standardized assessment practices within an ethical context. Numerous case studies, scenarios, and discussion points have been added to allow for the participants to think through the dilemmas presented and relate them to their own professional and personal lives. Ethics is no longer offered in the Professional Assessment Certification and Education (PACE) course. Therefore, all licensed AMA’s and SAMA’s will need to take a stand alone course for the July 1, 2012-June 30, 2016 licensing period. ***THE STATE BOARD OF ASSESSORS GRANTS THREE (3) CEH FOR THIS SEMINAR! Class Size Limit of 50
Continuing Education Hours (CEH). The State Board of Assessors will grant 3 CEH's for one three hour seminar, 4 CEH's for one four hour seminar, 7 CEH's for one three hour seminar with one four hour seminar, and 8 CEH's for two four hour seminars. There are no Commerce Credits applied for. |
Questions??? Paul Knutson, MAAO Conference Coordinator at 507-332-6152, [email protected].
Tami Paulson, MAAO Assistant Conference Coordinator at 507-328-7668, [email protected].
Registration questions, Lori Schwendemann, MAAO Online Administrator, 320-598-3187, [email protected] |
Click here to register for the 2015 Fall Conference!
Contact: Paul Knutson - [email protected] - 507-332-6152