Minnesota Association of Assessing Officers
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2016 Summer Seminars
Wednesday, May 25, 2016, 8:00 AM to Thursday, May 26, 2016, 12:00 PM EST
Category: Events
















Summer Seminars 2016
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Minnesota Association of Assessing Officers Summer Seminars
May 25 - 26, 2016 - Holiday Inn St. Cloud

The 2016 Summer Seminars are offering 12 topical seminars for assessors.  The registration fees are:

Register on or before May 6, 2016 and receive an early registration discount:
MAAO Member $175.00    Non-Member $275.00

Register after May 6, 2016:
MAAO Member $200.00    Non-Member $300.00

To become a MAAO member and receive the preferred registration fee, contact MembershipPlease do this prior to registering.  The registration fee includes materials, refreshment breaks, Wednesday lunch, Wednesday dinner and Thursday breakfast buffet.  The Wednesday evening event at the Holiday Inn has many special plans, see the flyer by clicking HERE.

President Nancy Wojcik will open the event with greetings and announcements at 9:25 am on Wednesday. 

The Minnesota Department of Revenue staff will speak from 9:30 to 11:30 am on Wednesday, May 25th.

Education Credits:  Eight CEH's for attendance at the Summer Seminar sessions have been approved by the State Board of Assessors. 
Lodging:  The Holiday Inn of St. Cloud has reserved a block of rooms for the event at the following rates:
Standard Queen, Double or Pool View 2nd Floor:  $88.95 + tax
Poolside, Poolview and Kidzone:  $93.95 + tax
Atrium suites upper level:  $107.95 + tax

These prices are for single or double occupancy.  Call by Friday, May 13, 2016 to reserve rooms at these prices.  The phone number for the Holiday Inn St. Cloud is 320.253.9000, mention MAAO.   


The Annual Silent Auction will be held on Wednesday beginning at 10:00 am and continuing until one half hour after dinner at the Holiday Inn.  If you have items to donate, please notify Jane Grossinger, 320.398.6705 or [email protected].  The proceeds from the auction will be split between the IS Committee and the Editorial Committee for website and maintenance training.  


Questions?  Please contact Paul Knutson, MAAO Conference Coordinator at 507.332.6152, [email protected] or Tami Paulson at 507.328.7668, Assistant Conference Coordinator, [email protected] or Kim Jensen, Site and Instructor Coordinator at 612.348.6106, [email protected].

Cancellation Policy:  A refund less $30.00 administration fee will be issued for cancellations received five business days prior to the start of the conference.  Registrants who fail to attend or cancel prior to the cancellation deadline are responsible for the entire fee.  If a registrant is unable to attend the event, a substitute from the jurisdiction that paid the registration can attend at no additional charge.  Please send written notification of this change five business days prior to the start of the event.  MAAO reserves the right to cancel any event if necessary and provide a full refund.  Refunds will be issued within 30 days of the conference.

Be sure to register by May 13, 2016!


Wednesday, 8:00 am - Noon Conference Registration
May 25th 9:25 am MAAO President Nancy Wojcik
  9:30 am-11:30 am Commissioner of Revenue General Session
  11:30 am-1:00 pm Lunch (included in registration)
  1:00 pm-5:00 pm Seminars
  5:30 pm-7:00 pm Social Hour at the Holiday Inn
  7:00 pm Dinner (included in registration)
Thursday,  6:45 am-8:00 am Breakfast Buffet (included in registration)
May 26th 8:00 am-Noon Seminars



This year's evening event will be held at the Holiday Inn of St. Cloud.  There will be a sit down dinner and Silent Auction along with great fun and beverage.  The cost is included in your registration fee.  Additional tickets may be purchased for $25.00.  If you would like to use a personal credit card for additional tickets, please call Lori Schwendemann at 320.598.3187.

Please join us on Wednesday, May 25, 2016, 5:30 pm until 7:00 pm Social Hour, 7:00 pm Dinner, 10:00 pm Close


Carefully Choose two 4-hour seminars or one 8-hour seminar.  Classroom limits subject to change based on demand.  Register early.


8 hrs Wednesday and Thursday, Instructor: Steve Tadevich, Certified Residential Real Property Appraiser:
This seminar will include “on-site” photos of typical structural and mechanical components found in homes. The components will be examined for any defects that would affect the subject’s value and raise any health and/or safety issues. The objective of the seminar will be to enable the appraiser to recognize the difference between conventional, HUD/FHA and USDA Rural appraisal requirements, understand the physical inspection process related to construction components including rating the condition and quality of components and the effect on values.  Limit 60



4 hrs Wednesday, Instructors: Form Report Instructors and Graders: This seminar will assist individuals in writing a residential demonstration form report. The student will be provided the most complete and up to date checklist for the candidates to refer to as they write their report. The student reference manual will provide step-by-step instructions for writing the report and will include many examples to help them successfully complete their report.  Limit 60


SS3 – TAX COURT - Seminar filled

4 hrs Wednesday, Instructor: Josh Hoogland, SAMA, Hennepin County: What and Who is Tax Court? These questions and many other components of the tax court process will be discussed during this seminar. Topics will include petition service/filing, after the filing, prima facie valid and the burden of proof, summary judgement, the Supreme Court, USPAP and your de novo appraisal, scheduling orders and case management. This seminar is designed for the beginner or someone who wants a refresher on the tax court process.  Limit 30



4 hrs Wednesday, Instructors: Brad Prchal, SAMA, Hennepin County and Dan Blonigen, SAMA, City of Bloomington: This workshop is designed to help appraisers better understand their HP12C through a review of the basic operations using keystrokes, storage functions and chain calculations. Practice problems will be utilized to further understand the financial and statistical functions of the HP12C. The time value of money will be discussed at length and case studies will be used to further explore this concept. Don’t forget to bring your HP12C.  Limit 30


4 hrs Wednesday, Instructors: Thomas W. Hamilton, Ph.D., CRE, MAI, FRICS, CDEI, Roosevelt University Heller College of Business; Bob Ehler, Vanguard Appraisals, Inc.; Josh Johnsen, SAMA, Olmsted County; Joseph Mako, MAI, AMA, Hennepin County:
This seminar will introduce participants to the concepts and issues involved in big box retail valuation. The focus of this seminar will be on big box retail past, present and future. Dr. Hamilton will lead the discussion on the trends and issues currently facing big box retail locally and nationally. Members of the CI Valuation committee will discuss the challenges faced by appraisers in estimating market value using the cost, income and sales comparison approaches. Discussion will include sale leasebacks, dark store theory, deed restrictions and the challenge of finding comparable properties.  Limit 85


SS6 - GIS – It’s What’s UP
4 hrs Wednesday, Instructors: David Brandt, Geospatial Systems Architect, Washington County; Markus Yager, CMA, City of Maple Grove:
Course description:  The MAAO GIS committee is very excited to have GIS expert and award winning David Brandt, Washington County, as primary instructor at the Summer Seminar GIS course. David, with his 25 years of experience with GIS technology/instructing will go beyond a general introduction to GIS and demonstrate the current state of GIS, where the technology is going, and how assessors can utilize it.  David will go over locations of public data that is available for assessors to download and use to perform and improve efficiencies.  David will also demonstrate ArcGIS Online (GIS in the Cloud) and how it can fit into assessor’s day to day work.  The course will conclude with an update to mobile device technology.  Markus Yaeger, City of Maple Grove, will share the latest and greatest tools available to assessors in the mobile device industry.  Come prepared to have your minds expanded!  Limit 60


4 hrs Wednesday, Instructor: Kory Bellmont, Wausau Homes General Contractor:
This seminar is designed for attendees to learn about component construction and how it differs from prefab, manufactured, modular and stick built homes. Discussion will also include how component construction is built, the plant process, the field operations and setting techniques.  Limit 60


4 hrs Thursday, Instructors: Form Report Instructors and Graders: 
This workshop will be a hands-on experience where candidates can bring their form reports, all of their data, and have four uninterrupted hours to work on their report. Form Report Instructors and Graders will be on hand to help with any questions or stumbling blocks you may encounter. Please be prepared to work on your report. Bring more data than you think you need so you will have ample information and comparable sales to make suggested adjustments and changes. DON’T FORGET YOUR LAPTOP AND CALCULATOR.  Limit 25


4 hrs Thursday, Instructor: Gary Griffin, SAMA, Crow Wing County:
The objective of this seminar is to demonstrate the different variables that contribute to the value of lake shore.  Quantity and quality adjustments will be discussed.  Examples of lake shore valuation by extraction, use of aerials & GIS for access, footage & shore quality will also be covered. Limit 60


4 hrs Thursday, Instructors: Donn O’Malley, Sr Systems Software Programmer, Hennepin County; Mark Vagts, Property Tax Compliance Officer, MN DOR; Gretchen Buechler, Research Analysis Specialist, MN DOR:
Discussions will include reviewing the purpose and history behind the CRV itself, common FAQS about the eCRV, recent changes from rollouts and common concerns from various eCRV user types. The purpose of the new User group and Testing Advisory Panel will be discussed and their long-term impact. Donn O’Malley will discuss how Hennepin County has connected Web Services to their internal CAMA including the benefits of doing so and the labor involved. Gretchen Buechler for the DOR will discuss the Sales Ratio Study and how data is used after it is sent to the state.  Limit 60


4 hrs Thursday, Instructors: Tim Vergin, MAI, CRE, Diversified Real Estate Services; Tim Klein, Certified General, Diversified Real Estate Services; Tom Radio, Attorney, Felhaber & Larson; Jack Pasternacki, Senior Analyst, Smith, Gendler, Shiell, Sheff, Ford & Maher:
This seminar will focus on current big box topics and leased fee/fee simple issues. There will also be some discussion focused on the public information available on the Clay County Menards case.  Limit 85


4 hrs Thursday, Instructor: Gerald Dee, ARA, Sr Certified Appraisal Spec, AgStar Financial Services: 
This seminar is designed to explore in great detail the ever-changing Minnesota agricultural market.  Commodity prices, interest rates, input costs, international influences and property taxes all must be considered in the agricultural economy and how it may influence the value of agricultural land.  Limit 60





Click Here to Register Now!

Contact: Paul Knutson - [email protected] - 507.332.6152