Minnesota Association of Assessing Officers
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2018 Fall Conference
Tuesday, September 11, 2018, 3:00 PM to Thursday, September 13, 2018, 5:00 PM EST
Category: Events



2018 Fall Conference


Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites

75 South 37th Avenue, St. Cloud, MN 56301


• Commissioner of Revenue’s Annual Meeting with Assessors
• MAAO Annual Meeting and Election of Officers
• Topical Educational Seminars
• Social Events


September 11th  – September 13th, 2018








The Conference fee includes Tuesday night event, Wednesday lunch, Wednesday evening banquet and breaks.


                        MAAO member on or before Aug 31      @ $185.00                                          

                        MAAO member after Aug 31                 @ $210.00                               

                        Non- member on or before Aug 31        @ $220.00                               

                        Non-member after Aug 31                     @ $255.00


The Holiday Inn of St Cloud has reserved a block of rooms for the event at the following rates:


            Standard Queen, Double or Pool View 2ndFloor            $93.00+ tax

            Poolside, Poolview and Kidzone                                  $93.00+ tax

            Atrium suites upper level                                           $105.00+ tax


These prices are for single or double occupancy.  Call by Sunday, August 12, 2018 to reserve rooms at these prices. The phone number for the Holiday Inn St Cloud is 320-253-9000, mention MN Assoc. Of Assessing Officers The cut-off date for room reservations has been extended to August 20, 2018.




Commissioner of Revenue’s Annual Meeting with Assessors


Commissioner of Revenue, Cynthia Bauerly and staff will hold the Annual Meeting with Assessors on Wednesday, September 12th from 9:00 AM to noon.  This session promises to be full of new information and timely announcements.




MAAO Annual Meeting


The Minnesota Association of Assessing Officers invites you to the 72nd Annual Conference of the MAAO. The conference includes the Annual Meeting of the MAAO, election of officers and the MAAO sponsored seminars for continuing education.



Tuesday Evening Opening Reception


On Tuesday evening we will have an opening welcome reception with a cash bar and hors d'oeuvres. 



MAAO Vendors Area



MAAO welcomes the vendors that contribute to the Fall Conference.  All vendors will be situated at the registration area. Please contact Paul Knutson with questions.  Please stop by and talk with them.  In addition to our break area we will have the IAAO tables in that area.


Click HERE to register for a Vendor table!





Contact Paul Knutson, MAAO Conference Coordinator @ 507-332-6152, [email protected] or Tami Paulson, MAAO Assistant Conference Coordinator @ 507-328-7668. [email protected] or Tina Von Eschen, [email protected]


Registration Questions, MAAO Education Coordinator, [email protected]






Tuesday, September 11th
3:00 – 5:00 PM Executive Board Meeting 
6:00 PM Opening Reception 
Wednesday, September 12th
7:30 AM Past President’s Breakfast
8:00 - 10:00 AM Registration 
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Commissioner of Revenue Meeting
10:45 - Noon MAAO Annual Meeting and Elections
Noon – 1:00 PM Lunch  
1:00 – 5:00 PM MAAO Annual Meeting and Elections
6:00 – 7:00 PM Reception
7:00 - 8:00 PM Annual Banquet
8:30 PM Awards and Presentations
Thursday, September 13th
8:00 AM – Noon Educational sessions
Noon – 1:00 PM Lunch on your own
1:00 - 5:00 PM Educational Sessions






Choose one seminar (AM or PM) - $75 OR two seminars (AM & PM) - $150




FS1 - Planning for Effective Communication and Plain Language for Assessors: 4 Hrs Thursday Morning - Instructor:  Larry Mastbaum, Editor in Chief, Communications Division, MN DOR.  This seminar will introduce the concepts of strategic communication and plain language, providing tools and examples for assessors to communicate more effectively with property owners, colleagues, and other audiences.


You will learn how:  -Communications planning and plain language help your office deliver clear, focused messages that connect with your customers.  -Using plain language is not "dumbing down," but respecting your reader's time.


Note: Please bring one or two pieces of written correspondence – such as a pamphlet, application, letter, form, or website content – produced by your office. During this seminar, we will offer you a hands-on experience in plain language and/or building a communications plan.


FS2 - Small Town Commercial: 4 Hrs Thursday Morning -Instructors:  Paul Knutson, RES, SAMA, County Assessor & Josh Schoen, SAMA, Assistant County Assessor,  Rice County.  This seminar is a practical approach to valuing small town commercial property. Learn basic techniques to value commercial property in areas with limited sales. Attendees will be exposed to small town commercial, analysis, techniques and valuation. This seminar will use DOR five-year studies, site valuation techniques, time adjustments and depreciation case study to correlate a direct market method using extraction. Ultimately a final value for commercial property will be a result that complies with DOR standards.


FS3 Tax Court 101: 4 Hrs Thursday Morning - Instructor:  Ann Miller, SAMA, Washington County.  This is an overview of basic tax court procedures from the filed petition to stipulation or settlement. This is developed for Assessor's who have little experience with petitions but also a great refresher for those that have been doing it awhile.  Basic topics include: When should I call? With whom should I discuss the case? What is an interrogatory? When should I get an appraisal? When should I become trial ready? Tips and tricks and useful forms.  This seminar will help demystify tax court petitions and answer your questions of what should I do next and when! There will be a panel discussion on the top 3 – 5 tax court decisions.





Cancelled - FS4 -Ethics for MN Assessors: 3 Hrs Thursday Afternoon – Instructor: Jessi Glancy, MN Dept. of Revenue: This three-hour training is designed for all licensed Minnesota assessors with a focus on ethical behavior, ethical assessment practices, and professional conduct.  After completing this course the students will have a better understanding of what good ethics looks like, how to handle ethical dilemmas, why standardized assessment practices are so important and ethical leadership.  This course will include some instructor led discussion, hands on group activities that will require participation, and case studies that include ethical dilemmas. Class Limit of 50






FS5 Exempt Property Forum: 4 Hrs Thursday Afternoon - Instructors: David Kasperson, SAMA, City of Minneapolis Assessor’s Office; Sara Bruggeman, Assistant County Attorney, Hennepin County. This event will bring together decision-makers from around the state to learn about and discuss some of the challenges we face with exempt properties. There will be a mix of presentations, case studies, and open discussion. Topics will include classification splits, personal property accounts, purely public charities, and helpful tools for the upcoming reapplication year.


Continuing Education Hours (CEH).The State Board of Assessors will grant 3 CEHS for one three hour seminar, 4 CEHs for one four hour seminar, 7 CEHs for a one three hour seminar with one four hour seminar and 8 CEHs for two four hour seminars.  There are no Commerce Credits applied for.





Contact Paul Knutson, MAAO Conference Coordinator @ 507-332-6152, [email protected] or Tami Paulson, MAAO Assistant Conference Coordinator @ 507-328-7668. [email protected] or Tina Von Eschen, [email protected]


Registration Questions, MAAO Education Coordinator, [email protected]




Click Here to Register for the 2018 Fall Conference!



Contact: Paul Knutson - [email protected] - 507-332-6152