Minnesota Association of Assessing Officers
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2016 Fall Conference
Sunday, September 25, 2016, 2:00 PM to Wednesday, September 28, 2016, 1:00 PM EST
Category: Events


2016 Fall Conference
September 25-28, 2016
InterContinental Saint Paul Riverfront
11 Kellogg Boulevard East
Saint Paul, MN 55101-1005

Commissioner of Revenue's Annual Meeting with Assessors
MAAO Annual Meeting and Election of Officers
Topical Educational Seminars
Social Events

[Printer Friendly Brochure]

Located in the heart of downtown and atop the bluffs of the Mississippi River, the InterContinental Saint Paul Riverfront offers unrivalled access to the best of the Twin Cities. We’re just steps away from live theater, renowned museums, memorable dining, specialty shopping, and an extensive park and trail system. Saint Paul is Minnesota’s capital city, and home to the Science Museum of Minnesota, History Center, Children’s Museum, CHS Field, Schubert Museum and the Xcel Energy Center.

Room Reservations:
Use the Rates Booking Link below for room reservations
 Minnesota Association of Assessing Office - Rates Booking Link
     ♦ Lodging reservations due September 6th
     ♦ Self-parking in the attached parking garage for $10 per day.

The fee includes in and out privileges and the entrance is on Wabasha Street


Featured Events:
Commissioner of Revenue's Annual Meeting with Assessors
     ♦ MAAO Annual Meeting
     ♦ Educational Seminars

     ♦ Social Activities

The Conference fee includes a package of: hors d'oeuvres opening reception, 2 lunch buffets, the annual banquet, and morning and afternoon breaks with snacks.  One seminar either Tuesday or Wednesday is $75.00.  Two seminars Tuesday and Wednesday are $125.00.  The deadline to register for the conference is September 16, 2016.
 Conference Registration Fee:
MAAO member on or before September 16 - $350.00
MAAO member after September 16 - $390.00
Non-member on or before September 16 - $450.00
Non-member after September 16 - $490.00
Commissioner of Revenue's Annual Meeting with Assessors
Commissioner of Revenue Cynthia Bauerly and staff will hold the Annual Meeting with Assessors on Monday, September 26, 2016 from 9:00 AM to noon. This session promises to be full of new information and timely announcements.
MAAO Annual Meeting
President Nancy Wojcik invites you to the Minnesota Association of Assessing Officers 70th Annual Conference. At this meeting we conduct the business of the organization as well as the election of officers.
Social Events
’s capitol city has a unique Mississippi River Valley setting, distinctive neighborhood districts, and a vibrant downtown featuring lovely parks, memorable dining establishments and an abundance of outstanding architecture. Whether you're looking for hockey, history or hops, you’ll find them all in Saint Paul. A blue collar city built on the bluffs of America’s greatest river - the Mississippi. We are North America’s most romantic getaway, the top-ranked park system and the best local food scene. On Sunday night we will have a welcome reception in the Great River Ballroom.  Monday, late afternoon, the local host committee has created two distinct walking tours of downtown St Paul. These walking tours have been planned to showcase Downtown and Lowertown Saint Paul and have some fun.

One of Saint Paul’s booming areas lies at the edge of the downtown neighborhood in an area known as Lowertown. Lowertown, which is named a historic place on the National Register and the former location of Minnesota’s largest manufacturing and distribution district, has transformed into a rich arts and culture community. Catch a glimpse of St. Paul Saints brand new CHS Field in Lowertown. The St. Paul Saints have played professional minor league baseball in a unique outdoor setting in Saint Paul for years.

On Tuesday night MAAO has a reception and the Annual Banquet in the Great River Ballroom.

President Nancy Wojcik issues the following dress guidelines:  Meetings and seminars "business casual" and the annual banquet "business casual" also.

MAAO Vendors Area

Want to be a vendor? We will have The Minnesota Court designated for vendors where our breaks and snacks will bring the conference participants to you.  If you are interested, contact Paul Knutson, Conference Coordinator

Local Host After Hours
The host committee has made arrangements with a local establishment for social gatherings to promote our comradery.  Just a short half block from the Hotel, enjoy food and beverages at times that are outside of our organized MAAO events.  



Sunday, September 25th


2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Conference Registration - Minnesota Court (Lower Level)

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Executive Board - Suite I & II

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Opening Reception - Great River Ballroom II

September 26th


8:00 am - Noon

Registration - Minnesota Court

9:00 am - Noon

Commissioner of Revenue Meeting - Minnesota Ballroom

Noon - 1:00 pm

Lunch - Great River Ballroom

1:00 pm - 3:30 pm

MAAO Annual Meeting - Minnesota Ballroom

3:30 pm

Capital City Crawl

September 28th


7:30 am

Past President's Breakfast - State 1

9:00 am - Noon

MAAO Annual Meeting - Minnesota Ballroom

Noon - 1:00 pm

Lunch - Great River Ballroom

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Educational Seminars - State and Governor's Rooms

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Reception - Great River Court

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Annual Banquet - Great River Ballroom

8:30 pm

Awards and Presentations

September 28th


8:00 am - Noon

Educational Seminars - State and Governor's Rooms

Educational Seminars
Choose One 4-hour Seminar (Tuesday or Wednesday), two 4-hour Seminars (Tuesday and  Wednesday) or 3 hour Ethics


FS1 Vertical Equity: Measures, Meaning and Mediation - 4 Hrs. Tuesday- Cory Yemen, Hennepin County Senior Systems Software Programmer: This seminar consists of three segments.  The first is a review of equity measures with a focus on how the functional forms lead to qualitative differences in what they measure.  The second part focuses explicitly on the Price Related Bias (PRB), variations in how it may be estimated, and how to interpret it.  The final segment will focus on the use of accessible technologies to identify problem sources and develop strategies for remediation.


FS2 Public Finance and Community Development - 4 Hrs. Tuesday – Jason Aarsvold, Municipal Advisor, Ehlers and Stacie Kvilvang, Senior Municipal Advisor/Director, Ehlers: This session will concentrate on some of the basic tools in community development such as tax increment financing (TIF), tax abatement and bonds.  The goal of the session is to provide a working knowledge of these tools and the ways in which they are used throughout Minnesota.   The session will also include case studies and project examples to develop a better understanding of how these tools help communities achieve their development goals.  These case studies will move beyond the basics and cover topics such as: Financing TIF and abatement revenue streams, developer pro forma analysis and the “but-for” test, localized market dynamics, minimum assessment agreements, the impact of tax court settlements, and others.  The topics covered will provide a comprehensive overview of the public financingprocess in ways that are relevant to the assessing field.  


FS3 Silos and Suites - 4 Hrs. Tuesday – Instructors: Tanya J. Pierson, MAI, HVS Consulting and Valuation Services and Clay Dodd, MAI, Patchin, Messner, Dodd & Brumm - Valuation Counselors: TIf you want to learn more about how to value Hotels and Grain Elevators, or have appeals in your office, this course is for you.  Veteran appraisers that specialize in appraising these complex properties will be covering the basics, like how to identify the different classes of hotels or grain elevators, and how the three approaches to value are developed to provide an indication of value for the real estate.


FS4 Managing Yourself/Developing Leadership Skills - A Preview – 4 Hrs. Tuesday - Rebecca Malmquist, City of Minneapolis: Learning to lead is an intensely personal experience, changing over time.  This real-world assessment focused approach will help attendees reflect on the reality of their individual situations, their organizational and personal goals, allowing them to align their personal advancement to the achievement of actual business objectives.  Attendees will leave with an appreciation of the types of leadership needed in the assessment office in various scenarios, from the routine (quintile, reporting requirements) to the complex (implementing new property tax programs, handling requests for new data, dealing with changing markets and political pressures).


FS5 REAL PROPERTY LAW – SERIES 1 4 Hrs. Tuesday – Eileen Roberts, Of Counsel. Dorsey & Whitney LLP: Eileen Roberts is Of Counsel in the Minneapolis office of Dorsey & Whitney LLP, where she practices real estate law. Before joining Dorsey Eileen was the Baillon Professor of Real Estate Law at William Mitchell College of Law, where she taught courses in Property, Real Estate Transactions, Real Estate Finance, and Land Use Law. Since 2014 Eileen has made presentations regarding real estate law for Hennepin County. Those presentations have been shown via live feed to all 87 counties. Maybe you have seen those presentations and would like to see them again, or maybe you haven’t seen them but wish you had. Here is your opportunity to see two of her presentations live. The first in the series will be Concurrent Interests: Joint tenancy, tenancy in common, tenancy by the entirety, and community property. Also, included in this series will be Servitudes: Easements, covenants (CC&R’s) common interest communities (CICs), cooperatives, and timeshares.


FS6 Buffer Strips – 4 Hrs. Wednesday Tom Gile, Buffers and Soil Erosion Program Coordinator, BWSR and David Weirens, Assistant Director for Programs and Policy BWSR: The Department of Natural Resources and Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources will be discussing the protection of water quality via “buffer strips” and review a state map identifying which streams and lakes must have perennial vegetation.  An overview of how the law is structured and will be implemented will be provided along with some discussion on the benefits of these buffer zones with the understanding that much more can be done to improve the state’s water quality.


FS7 The Verification Process – 4 Hrs. Wednesday - Hennepin County Assessor’s Office: This seminar will concentrate on the sale verification process. Discussion will center around what your objective is as an appraiser when verifying the sale and how to arrive at the cash equivalent of real estate. We will also discuss the verification process including where to begin and what questions to ask. Finally the sales ratio reject codes will be reviewed and we will explore a process developed to evaluate new construction additions that effect sales rejection codes.


 FS8 Assessment Statistics: What can the PRB do for me? 4 Hrs. Wednesday - Dell Sanko, City of Minneapolis, Cory Yemen, Hennepin County, Tom Scherer, SAMA, Hennepin County, Gretchen Buchler, DOR and Taylor Forsyth, DOR: In This seminar we will overview the new MCAST 3.0 Version, discuss data stratification within MCAST hear from DOR’s summary review of vertical equity techniques including Price Related Bias (PRB), and discuss examples of what assessors can do to address vertical equity problems.  Please note: A significant portion of this seminar will include a summary version of Cory Yemen’s “Vertical Equity: Measures, Meaning and Mediation.” seminar being presented.


FS9 REAL PROPERTY LAW – SERIES 2 - 4 Hrs. Wednesday – Eileen Roberts, Of Counsel. Dorsey & Whitney LLP: The second in the series will be Real Estate Finance: Mortgages, contracts for deed, tax-increment financing, bond issues, etc. Also included in this series will be The Dark Side of Real Estate Finance: Mortgage foreclosure, contract for deed cancellation, mechanic’s liens, state and federal tax liens, and judgment liens.

Continuing Education Hours (CEH).  The State Board of Assessors will grant 4 CEH's for one four hour seminar and 8 CEH's for two four hour seminars. There are no Commerce Credits applied for.
Paul Knutson, MAAO Conference Coordinator at 507-332-6152,
[email protected].

Tami Paulson, MAAO Assistant Conference Coordinator at 507-328-7668,
[email protected]. 

Registration questions, Lori Schwendemann, MAAO Online Administrator, 320-598-3187,
[email protected]


Click here to register for the 2016 Fall Conference!



Contact: Paul Knutson - [email protected] - 507-332-6152