Minnesota Association of Assessing Officers
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2011 MAAO Fall Conference
Sunday, October 09, 2011, 8:00 AM to Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 1:00 PM EST
Category: Events

2011 Fall Conference
October 9 - 12, 2011
Ruttger's Sugar Lake Lodge
37584 Otis Lane
Cohasset, MN 55721

♦ Commissioner of Revenue's Annual Meeting with Assessors
♦ MAAO Annual Meeting and Election of Officers
♦ Topical Educational Seminars
♦ Social Events

Ruttger's Sugar Lake Lodge

Forged in the ice age, spring-fed through the millennia, Sugar Lake is brilliantly blue and amazingly clear, a watery gem that shimmers differently each day. Its uniqueness and rarity is echoed by the resort on its shore, where the clarity of the water leads to a remarkable quality of life. There may be 10,000 lakes in Minnesota, but Sugar Lake is one in a million. Spring fed by crystal pure aquifers, Sugar Lake is sparkling clear to 25 feet. The beach is sugary sand. The rooms are comfortable. The rates are reasonable. The championship golf an easy walk from your door. And then there’s the chance to reconnect with family and friends in Adirondacks and boats, on bicycles and tennis courts, in front of the fireplace or around the bonfire. All amidst the quiet of the north woods and attended by a staff personally committed to making your stay exceptional.


All of the resort accommodations are reserved for MAAO

Golf Course Rooms:
$89.00 per bedroom
Lodge Studios:
Lodge Suites:
$109.00 per bedroom

Lodging rates are subject to 6.5% state tax and 3% local tax.

Call Sugar Lake Lodge to make your room reservations at 800-450-4555 by September 9, 2011
The Conference fee of $250.00 includes the following meals:  3 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 3 dinners, and 5 breaks.  A meal package for companions is available for $186.00 including all taxes and gratuities.  One seminar either Tuesday or Wednesday is $55.00.  Two seminars Tuesday and Wednesday are $90.00
Commissioner of Revenue's Annual Meeting with Assessors
Commissioner of Revenue Myron Frans and staff will hold the Annual Meeting with Assessors on Monday, October 10, 2011 from 9:00AM to noon. This session promises to be full of new information and timely announcements.
MAAO Annual Meeting
The Minnesota Association of Assessing Officers invites you to the 65th Annual Conference of the MAAO. The conference includes the Commissioner of Revenue’s Annual Meeting with Assessors; the Annual Meeting of the MAAO and the MAAO sponsored seminars for continuing education. One complimentary 18-hole green fee is provided for every paid attendee at Sugarbrooke. Come to Jack’s Grill and the MAAO Social area for noon kickoff Vikings vs. Cardinals. Sunday night there will be complimentary hors de oeuvres provided by Ruttger’s in the Lodge Lobby. On Monday night we will have a fish cookout on the lawn and on the deck at Jack’s Grill. Entertainment will follow.
MAAO Vendors Area
MAAO welcomes the vendors that contribute to the Fall Conference. All vendors will be situated in the Lobby hallway on Monday and Tuesday. Please stop by and talk with them. In addition we will have the MAAO Store and the IAAO table.
MAAO Social Room
The conference will host the MAAO Social Room. The event will be held at Jack’s Grill for the three days. The MAAO Social Room will be open at times that do not conflict with an organized MAAO event and until 1:00 am. We kick off with the Vikings game at noon on Sunday. This is a cash bar staffed by Sugar Lake Lodge employees.



Sunday, October 9th



MAAO Social Room Viking Kickoff - Jack's Grill

2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Conference Registration - Lodge Lobby

1:00 pm

Executive Board - Alex III

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Opening Reception - Lodge Lobby

6:30 pm

Dinner Buffet - Otis'

Monday, October 10th


7:00 am - 8:30 am

Breakfast Buffet - Otis'

8:00 am - Noon

Registration - Lodge Lobby

9:00 am - Noon

Commissioner of Revenue Meeting - Alex

Noon - 1:00 pm

Lunch Buffet - Otis'

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

MAAO Annual Meeting - Alex

4:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Free time

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Outdoor fish fry, entertainment at MAAO Social Room, Jack's Grill

8:00 pm

Entertainment - Jack's Grill

Tuesday, October 11th


7:00 am - 8:30 am

Breakfast Buffet - Otis'

7:30 am

Past Presidents Breakfast - Otis'

9:00 am - Noon

MAAO Annual Meeting - Alex

Noon - 1:00 pm

Lunch Buffet - Otis'

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Educational Seminars

1:00 pm

GIS Roundtable Discussion - Alex I

1:00 pm

eCRV Implementation Discussion - Asplin Board Room

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Reception - Lodge Lobby

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Annual Banquet - Alexander Rooms

8:30 pm

Awards and Presentations

After Awards

MAAO Social Room - Jack's Grill

Wednesday, October 12th


6:30 am - 8:00 am

Breakfast Buffet - Otis'

8:00 - Noon

Educational Seminars


Educational Seminars
Choose One 4-hour Seminar (Tuesday OR Wednesday)
Choose Two 4-hour Seminars (Tuesday AND Wednesday)

Golf courseFS1: Golf Course Valuation: 4 hours, Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 1:00 - 5:00 - William Effertz, SAMA, Steele County Assessor and Tom Reineke, SAMA, CAE, ASA, Property Tax Compliance Officer, Minnesota DOR. The main focus of this seminar will be covering the applicability of the three approaches to market value as well as methodology for equalizing values between golf courses. The seminar will present aspects of golf course valuations including an analysis of the various types of golf courses; the important characteristics that influence value; and Minnesota “Open Space Property Tax Law”.
Small Town CommercialFS2: Small Town Commercial: 4 hours, Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 1:00 - 5:00 - Paul Knutson, SAMA, RES, Rice County Assessor. This seminar is a practical approach to valuing small town commercial property. Learn basic techniques to value commercial property in areas with limited sales. Attendees will be exposed to small town commercial, analysis, techniques and valuation. This seminar will use DOR five year studies, site valuation techniques, time adjustments and depreciation case study to correlate a direct market method using extraction. Ultimately a final value for commercial property will result that complies with DOR standards.
FS3: Lakeshore Valuation: 4 hours, Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 1:00 - 5:00 - Brian Connors, SAMA, Itasca County Assessor & staff. The objective of this seminar is a demonstration of the different variables that contribute to lakeshore value: shoreline types and value impact, lakeshore valuation by extraction, use of aerials and Geographic Information System (GIS) for access, footage and shore quality. There will also be an analysis of base rate of lakeshore in correlation to Environmental Services Zoning laws for developing lakeshore lots. Other considerations are: Environmental Issues: Invasive species currently in lake; Older development; Conservation Easements; ways to deal with the irregular lakeshore lots, excess Lake Frontage, and island valuation. I
Conservation EasementsFS4: Conservation Easements: 4 hours, Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 8:00 - 12:00 - Steve Hurni, SAMA, Regional Rep, DOR, Bob Anderson, SAMA, Meeker County Assessor, Mike Reichenback, Extension Educator.  This conservation easement seminar will discuss the various Property Tax statutes that pertain to conservation easements, various available Federal and/or State conservation programs e.g. Reinvest In Minnesota (RIM), Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), comparisons of those available programs, discussion of sales of property that contain a governmental sponsored conservation program easement, discussion of the Chippewa County conservation easement court case, discussion of sales of property next to easement or government land or non- developed land and a discussion of the Minnesota Land Trust – Meeker County Court case.
Ratio TopicsFS5: Ratio Topics for Assessment and Appraisal: 4 hours, Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 8:00 - 12:00 - John Keefe, SAMA, Chisago County Assessor, Stephen Baker, SAMA, Ramsey County Assessor, DOR Staff.  This seminar will feature an in depth presentation, explanation and discussion of market conditions (time) adjustment for the 2012 Assessment. Members of the MAAO Sales Ratio Committee will present and discuss issues related to the time adjustment and other sales study items. Topics include the mechanics of the time adjustment process, linear regression, limitations regarding sample size and confidence testing, the proper handling of new construction sales, and using time adjustment in appraisal models. We will discuss other sales ratio related issues of representativeness, sample size, measures of central tendency and the concept of confidence intervals used to gauge the performance of assessments. The seminar will feature a demonstration of Time Adjustment Wizard and a discussion of other related topics. We will examine the strengths and limitations of the sales ratio study process. Don’t miss this “timely” seminar and don’t forget to bring your HP 12C calculator.
Continuing Education Hours (CEH).  The State Board of Assessors will grant 4 CEH;s for one four hour seminar and 8 CEH's for 2 four hour seminars. There are no Commerce Credits applied for.
Questions??? Paul Knutson, MAAO Conference Coordinator at 507-332-6152, [email protected].

Tami Paulson, MAAO Assistant Conference Coordinator at 507-328-7668,
[email protected]

Registration questions, Lori Schwendemann, MAAO Online Administrator, 320-598-3187,
[email protected]

Attention: Roundtable Opportunities

Tuesday, 1:00 pm, Alex I - GIS Roundtable Discussion with MAAO GIS users (no CEH's).  Members interested in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and how it can be used in the Assessor's Office are encouraged to attend this forum.  We will have laptops available and special guests to moderate this brainstorming session on a variety of GIS topics for assessors.  Are you currently working on a GIS application more specifically designed for the assessor's office?  Do you use a GIS application that efficiently works with the assessor's office needs?  You are invited to share what has worked for your department or simply attend this forum to learn from others.  If you are interested in sharing your county or city website with an integrated GIS application for the session or have any questions relating to this forum, please contact Cheryl Wall, MAAO President prior to the conference.

Tuesday, 1:00 pm, Asplin Board Room - Jason Parker, eCRV Update and Walkthrough.  eCRV will be used by submitters for ALL counties of sale on December 1, 2011.  Be prepared.  Counties that obtain and test with eCRV logins will be able to accept and process eCRVS entirely on-line.  This is an informational session to answer questions and walkthrough the use of eCRV.

Click on this link for the 2011 Fall Conference Registration Form!

Contact: Paul Knutson - [email protected] - 507-332-6152